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Rate Hikes and Your Business.

1 Maiden Lane Floor #7, New York, N.Y. 10038

(212)381-9349/ (347) 884-2635/ (347) 813-9943




Jerome Powell is the the President of the federal reserve board will be forced to raise rates. Rates are at the closest to 0% as possible. What did the financial world or the regular citizen expect? This is all a simple supply side economics question. Those of us who have survived the 1980's understand "BLACK FRIDAY IS COMING". #MOISHE #BFC

With prime interest rate going up 1.5% most people cannot refinance their SBA Loans to capture any equity gained on their loans. Specifically referring to mortgages.

SBA Loan Programs, General Small Business Loans: 7(a), Microloan Programs, Real Estate & Equipment Loans,

CDC/504, Disaster Loans

This only means for you and your business the cost of money is only getting more expensive. Apply or simply make a inquiry to discover the opportunty that are available for you and your business.

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Forward; 3 months business bank statement Download and submit fully completed application (here)

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